安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-12 · 所属分类:手机软件 应用平台:安卓 资源版本:V4.8.5 最后更新:2021年6月12日 21:51 安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 软件截图:
Privacy Politics form part of the General Conditions ruling the Web Page 老王APP together with the Cookie Politics and the Legal Advise.
BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., reserves the right to modify or adapt the present Privacy Politics at all times. Therefore, we would recommend that you check same each time you access to the Web Page. In the case of the browser being registered in the web page and gaining access through his/her account or profile, on accessing same, information will be provided in the case of any significant modifications concerning his/her data information.
Who is responsible of your data information?
The details obtained or voluntarily supplied through the Web Page, by browsing in same, as well as all information provided on contact forms, by email or telephone, will be held and treated by the person Responsible of the File, whose details are indicated below:
老司机图文教程教你如何免费下载腾讯视频的视频mp4 ...:2021-5-11 · 关于如何下载到腾讯视频的mp4这个问题,大家想必经过多翻搜索,都未必找到满意的答案吧。 下载微信公伡号文章中引用的腾讯视频的方法也是一样适用本方法。 因为用腾讯视电脑客户端和手机APP下载到的都是QL
Address: Calle San Miguel, 36, 2º planta
Tel: 971.22.80.36
Agent of Data Protection: Jose Frau Greenfield
Registered in the Trade Registry of Palma, Volume 1695, Page 196, Sheet PM-33623, entry. 1 and with CIF B07982184
If, for any reason, you wish to contact us for any query concerning your data information or privacy (with our Agent of Date Protection), you may do this through any of the means indicated above.
What details do we collect through the web page?
By simply browsing in the Web Page, BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L. information will be collected concerning:
- IP address.
- Type of navigator.
- Operative system.
- Length of visit or browse in the Web Page.
This information will be stored by Google Analytics, and we come under the Privacy Politics of Google, as this collects and treats such information.
At the same time, in the Web Page will be provided the usefulness of Google Maps, which may have Access to your location, should you allow same, in order to provide you with wider specificity on distance and/or roads to our offices. Concerning this, we refer to the Privacy Politics used by Google Maps, in order to be aware of the use and treatment of such data information
The information that we handle, is not connected to a specific browser and will be stored in our data base, in order to carry out statistical analysis, improvements in the Web Page concerning our products and/or services and will also help us to improve our commercial strategy. The information will not be passed onto third parties.
『精品软件区』 - · 精品软件推荐,软件交流天地,汇集伡多精彩评论,热心会员每日更新。找你所需要的,给你我分享的!这里不但有PC软件,安卓、iPhone等手机软件也统统包含。
To gain Access to certain products and/or services, it is necessary that the browser be registered in the Web Page. For this, in the registration form, will be requested a series of personal data. The necessary compulsory details to be provided by the browser to complete the registration can be found marked with the sign *. In the case of not filling in these areas the registration will not take place.
The browser and the password created are personal and not transferable, the browser being responsible for their custody. We do not advise these be noted down nor advised to third parties.
胡锡进:反对将翻墙了解信息定性为“违法”并处罚2021-05-19 ...:2021-5-19 · 胡锡进:反对将翻墙了解信息定性为“违法”并处罚2021-05-19 19:20 环球时报微博官方账号“汉滨公安”今天上午发布一条微博称,5月17日,分局情指中心在工作中发现,有人使用“翻墙”软件接入境外网络。情指中心立即会同城郊派出所展开调查,并迅速查明该“翻墙”软件使用人为杨某某,随即 ...
The registration information that each browser adds to the data base of BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., together with the history of operations carried out by same, will be stored in same until such time the account of the registered browser is cancelled. Once the account is cancelled, this information will be removed from our data base, kept apart during 10 years the details concerning transactions carried out, without Access nor alteration to same, in order to comply with the legal period in force. The information not concerning transactions carried out will be kept unless consent to same is removed, in which case they will be immediately eliminated (always keeping in mind the legal period).
The legal basis for the treatment of data information is the execution of the a contract between the parties.
Concerning the issue of communications and promotions by email and the answer to the requests of information, the legitimization of the use is the consent of the person in question.
v2rayNG - Google Play 上的应用:2021-6-14 · 老王VPN(永久免费佛系VPN) ️- 最好的免费VPN 秒连 高速 稳定 梯子 永久更新 科学上网 老王 跟爱偷吃的老王一同领略网络世界!VPN界的老司机『老王VPN』,保证高速,承诺稳定更新,保护隐私!!你值得最好的老王,现在就下载『老王VPN』,让老王 ...
a) Handle the registration of the browser and his/her Access to the Web Page.
b) Handle the purchase of the products and/or services at your disposal through the Web Page.
c) Keep you informed of the process and state of your requests, purchases and/or reservations.
d) Answer your requests of information.
老王玄学**【违规内容屏蔽符】** alert("本页面可能存在违规 ...:2021-7-9 · 2老王加速器去广告免费版下载 3 v2.2.0去广告版">老王玄学**【违规内容屏蔽符】** v2.2.0去广告版 4免费分享一批QQ小号 5腾讯健康系统可修改实名 6最新2021解防沉迷实名教程 7 会员破解版">超级蓝**【违规内容屏蔽符】** 会员破解版 8欢迎加入冷牛教程网 9
陕西安康市汉滨区非法翻墙进行国际联网被查处_行业动态 ...:2021-5-20 · 情指中心立即会同城郊派出所展开调查,并迅速查明该“翻墙”软件使用人为杨某某,随即依法将杨某某传唤至公安机关接受询问。 经查,违法行为人杨某某于2021年9月在手机上下载老王VPN、蚂蚁VPN两款软件,安装在手机上免费使用,并擅自利用这两款软件建立非法信道进行国际联网。
In order to send commercial information, specific authorization will be requested from the browser at the moment of his/her registration. Concerning this point, the browser may revoke the authorization given by contacting BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., through the means previously indicated. In any case, in each commercial information, you will be given the possibility of cancellation of receipt of same, this be by link and/or email address.
Dispatch of Newsletter
In the Web Page, is allowed the option to sign up for the Newsletter of 老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用:2021-6-13 · 标签:VPN 手机软件 老王 老王VPN 未经允许不得转载: 作者: 源码圈 , 转载或复制请伡 超链接形式 并注明出处 源码圈博客 。 原文地址: 《老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用》 发布 …. For this, it is necessary that you provide us with an email address to which same will be sent.
This information will be stored in the data base of BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., in which it will remain registered until the browser requests the cancellation of same or, if applicable, its cancellation by 老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用:2021-6-13 · 标签:VPN 手机软件 老王 老王VPN 未经允许不得转载: 作者: 源码圈 , 转载或复制请伡 超链接形式 并注明出处 源码圈博客 。 原文地址: 《老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用》 发布 … of dispatch of same.
The legal basis for the use of this data information is the specific consent by all those interested in the signing up of this service marking the box for same.
The details of email address’s will only be used and stored in order to handle the dispatch of the Newsletter to the browsers who have requested same.
For the despatch of the Newsletter, specific consent will be requested from the browser at the moment of registration marking the box for same. Concerning this point, the browser may revoke the consent granted by contacting BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., through the means previously indicated. In any case, in each communication, the possibility will be given to cancel the receipt of same, this be by a link and/or email address.
If you are included in the following groups, consult the unfolding information:
What is the aim of using your data information?
- To answer your queries, applications or requests.
- Handle the service requested, answer your application or process your request.
- Information by email that deals with your request.
- Commercial information or of events by email, as long as specific authorization exists.
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The acceptance and consent from the person in question: In those cases where to make a request it be necessary to fill in a form and “click” the send key, to do same will imply that you have been informed and specifically have granted your consent to the contents of the attached clause to said form and acceptance of the privacy politics.
All our forms include a verification box or checkbox with the following formula to send the information: “□ I have read and accept the Privacy Politics.”
What is the aim of using your data information?
- Drawing up of an estimate and follow up of same by communications between both parties.
- Information by email concerning your request.
- Commercial information or that of events by email, as long as specific authorization exists.
- Handling of administrative services, communications and logistics carried out by the person Responsible.
- 老王app2.2.9
- Carrying out of corresponding transactions.
- Invoice and declaration of pertaining taxes.
- Handling control and recovery of monies.
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The legal basis of your consent.
What is the aim of using your data information?
- Information by email concerning your request.
- Commercial information or that of events by email, as long as specific authorization exists.
- Handling of administrative services, communications and logistics carried out by the person Responsible.
- Invoicing.
- Carrying out of corresponding transactions.
- Invoice and declaration of pertaining taxes.
- Handling control and recovery of monies.
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The legal basis is the acceptance of a contractual relationship, or failing that your consent on contacting us or offering your products through some means.
安卓免费 vpm官网_安卓免费 vpm官网_安卓好用的免费vpm软件:2021-4-9 · 安卓版老VPNv2.2.8_永久免费_秒杀一切翻墙工具 - 邵先森博客 2021年12月7日 - 这版更新了,可谓市面上功用最完善的免费。比2.27,高一版本。此版本为最新版v2.2.8,市面上最新可用的免费VPN软件.运用简单PS:请勿置信软件内广告!...
- To answer your queries, applications or requests.
- To handle the service requested, answer your application or process your request.
- To connect with you and create a community of followers.
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The acceptance of a contractual relationship within the corresponding social network, and in accordance to its Privacy politics:
*(Google+ y Youtube)
How long will we hold your data information?
We can only consult or cancel your details in a restricted manner on holding a specific profile. We will use same for the time that you allow following us as friends or giving a “I like”, “continue” or similar keys.
Any alteration of your details or restriction of information or publications should be carried out through the configuration of your profile or browser in the social network itself.
What is the aim of using your data information?
- Videosecurity of our installations.
- Control of our staff.
- 胡锡进:反对将翻墙了解信息定性为“违法”并处罚_网易新闻:2021-5-19 · 情指中心立即会同城郊派出所展开调查,并迅速查明该“翻墙”软件使用人为杨某某,随即依法将杨某某传唤至公安机关接受询问。 经查,违法行为人杨某某于2021年9月在手机上下载老王VPN、蚂蚁VPN两款软件,安装在手机上免费使用,并擅自利用这两款软件建立非法信道进行国际联网。
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The unmistakable consent of the interested party to have Access to our installations after seeing the informative sign of the videosecurity area.
What is the aim of using your data information?
- pc科学上网教程配合v2ray翻墙-墨吻博客:2021-5-17 · 又双是老墨吻,看群里有问电脑怎么翻墙的。出个教程吧。 略略略... 伡下和谐词均为 v屁n 国内是禁止访问境外的站点,例如谷歌。 百度也没有那种*和谐词*工具,当然,你翻出去了一次之后就可伡在谷歌寻找更加快速的*和谐词*。 首先我伞准备几个工具,工具在群内寻找。
- Appointment for job interview and evaluate candidature.
- 胡锡进:反对将翻墙了解信息定性为“违法”并处罚:情指中心立即会同城郊派出所展开调查,并迅速查明该“翻墙”软件使用人为杨某某,随即依法将杨某某传唤至公安机关接受询问。 经查,违法行为人杨某某于2021年9月在手机上下载老王VPN、蚂蚁VPN两款软件,安装在手机上免费使用,并擅自利用这两款软件建立非法信道进行国际联网。
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The legal basis is your unmistakable consent, on providing us with your CV and receive and sign information concerning the use of same.
How long will we hold your data information?
The curriculum will be stored during one year, after which, in the case of us not being contacted, it will be destroyed.
最流氓的软件可伡流氓到什么程度? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-10-27 · 镜像问题:最良心的软件可伡良心到什么程度?如果我没记错的话。大概两年前左右,2345浏览器,卸载的时候一步步撒娇卖萌打滚乞求你不要卸载它,当然我是不会心软的。
- Handling of labour relationship and staff file.
- Carrying out of all administrative, fiscal and accounting proceedures necessary to fulfil our contractural commitments, obligations in labour regulations, National Health, prevention of working risks, taxes and accounting.
- Management of payment of wages through a bank.
- Control of working hours through a system of access control with fingerpri/card (if applicable).
- Management of collective insurance / company pension plan.
- Carrying out of formation actions both with and without allowance.
Which is the legitimization for the use of your details?
The legal basis for the use of your details is the execution of your working contract. The compliance with the corresponding legal obligations. The consent of the interested person.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Do we include third parties to your data information?
No, in general we only use the details provided to us by the interested person. If you provide us with third party details, you should previously inform and request consent to said persons, to the contrary you free us from any responsibility for non compliance with this requirement.
And data information of under-aged persons?
老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用:2021-6-13 · 标签:VPN 手机软件 老王 老王VPN 未经允许不得转载: 作者: 源码圈 , 转载或复制请伡 超链接形式 并注明出处 源码圈博客 。 原文地址: 《老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用》 发布 …
Do we carry out communications by email?
- Only to handle your request, if it is one of the means of contact you have provided us with.
- If we send commercial communications these will have previously been specifically authorized by you.
What security measures do we apply?
You can feel safe: We have taken on an ideal level of protection of the Data Information we handle, and we have installed all the technical means and measures available to us, according to the technology state, to avoid the loss, base use, alteration, non authorized Access and theft of Personal Data.
To what extent taking decisions is automate?
BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L. does not use the process of taking decisions in a totally automate manner to enter into, develop or end a contractual relationship with the browser. In the case of using this process in a particular case, we will keep you informed and advise you of your rights concerning same if so laid down by law.
Will a profile take place?
In order to offer products and/or services in accordance to your interest and improve your experience as browser, we may draw up a “commercial profile” based on the information provided. However, no automate decisions will be taken based on said profile.
To whom will your details be provided?
To the companies within the group BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L.
Your information will not be given to third parties, unless under legal obligation. Specifically they will be provided to the Inland Revenue Office and to banks or finance companies for payment of services rendered or product purchased, as well as those in charge of the necessary treatment to carry out the agreement.
In the case of purchase or payment, if you choose an application, web, platform, bank card or another online service, your details will be provided to that platform or to your surrounding always with maximum security.
In the case that you have supplied us with your consent to use your name and pictures and other information concerning the activity with BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., this will be disclosed in the different social websites and web page of BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L.
International transfers.
In the case of being necessary an international data transfer by BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., this will only be carried out under the agreement USA-EU Privacy Shield (more information:, to entities that have shown they comply with the level of protection and guarantee in accordance to the specifications and requirements under the regulation in forcé concerning data protection, such as the European Regulation or when there exists a legal qualification to carry out the international transfer
What Rights do you have?
- Those of knowing if we are using your details or not.
- Access to your personal data.
- To request the rectifications of your details if these are not correct.
- To request the removal of your details if they are no longer necessary for the aim they were collected or if you withdraw the consent granted.
- 最新可用的电话轰炸机软件+源码 - 吾爱次元资源网 专注免费 ...:2021-6-14 · 黑狗app - 1.4.2 破解会员版 你伞想要梯子上天的软件 老王的灯笼app - 清爽版 红杏出墙app_强大的上网神器 蓝灯二伟app_去广告最新版本 sd女佣专业版破解版 - 4.15.1 中文已付费版 悟饭游戏厅免费vip作弊码破解版 - 4.2.0 最新版
- To overhand your details, that will be provided in a structured format, of common use or reading procedure. If you prefer, we can send same to the new person responsible that you name. This is only valid in certain cases.
- pc科学上网教程配合v2ray翻墙-墨吻博客:2021-5-17 · 又双是老墨吻,看群里有问电脑怎么翻墙的。出个教程吧。 略略略... 伡下和谐词均为 v屁n 国内是禁止访问境外的站点,例如谷歌。 百度也没有那种*和谐词*工具,当然,你翻出去了一次之后就可伡在谷歌寻找更加快速的*和谐词*。 首先我伞准备几个工具,工具在群内寻找。
- To revoke the consent for any use the consent was given, at any moment.
胡锡进:反对将翻墙了解信息定性为“违法”并处罚_网易新闻:2021-5-19 · 情指中心立即会同城郊派出所展开调查,并迅速查明该“翻墙”软件使用人为杨某某,随即依法将杨某某传唤至公安机关接受询问。 经查,违法行为人杨某某于2021年9月在手机上下载老王VPN、蚂蚁VPN两款软件,安装在手机上免费使用,并擅自利用这两款软件建立非法信道进行国际联网。
Do you wish for a form to fulfil your rights?
- We have forms for fulfillment of your rights, ask us by email or if you prefer, you may use those issued by the Spanish Agency of Data Protection or through third parties.
- These forms must have an electronic signature or be accompanied with a photocopy of your DNI.
- If you are represented by someone, a copy of his/her DNI must be attached, or an electronic signature.
- The forms can be presented in person, sent by post or by email to the address of the person Responsible at the beginning of this text.
You have the right to present a claim before the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, in the case of considering that you believe the request of yourrights have not been property attended to.
The maximum period of settlement by BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., is that of one month, from the actual receipt of your request to us.
最新老王vpn 免费vpn 谷歌免费梯子 - 小奶狗博客 - 专注于 ...:2021-5-7 · 给大家推荐一款福利软件:老王vpn 这可能是目前最好的加速器!科学处理无法访问的网站,一键衔接,畅游全网,处理了游戏延迟高,视频无限缓冲等常见问题!「老王 VPN」是由在大陸發展的...
Do we use cookies?
If we use another type of cookies that are not necessary, you may consult the cookie policy in the corresponding link from the beginning of our web.
How long will we hold you personal data?
- Your personal data will be held during the time you are in relationship with us.
- Once you are dissociated, the personal data used in each case will be held during the legal period of time foreseen, including the period in which a judge or the court may require same as per the expiry period of legal actions.
- The data used will be held until expiry of the legal period mentioned above, if there be a legal obligation of holding same, or if this legal period does not exist, it will be until the interested person requests its removal or revokes the granted consent.
- We will keep all the information and communications concerning your purchase or the rendering of our service, whilst the guarantee of the products or services last, in order to attend to possible claims.
- In each use or type of data, we will provide you with a specific period that you can consult in the following table:
10 years
15 years
5 years
Human Resources
Wages, National Health, etc.
10 years
Until end of selection period, and 1 further year with your consent
Indemnity documents for dismissal.
4 years
Workers file.
Up to 5 years after finishing.
Data base or browsers of the web.
Whilst in use.
10 years
5 years
Access control and videosecurity
List of visitors
30 days blocked
3 years destruction
Books and accounting Documents.
Partners agreements and board meetings, company articles, minutes, Board rules and representative commissions.
老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用:2021-6-13 · 标签:VPN 手机软件 老王 老王VPN 未经允许不得转载: 作者: 源码圈 , 转载或复制请伡 超链接形式 并注明出处 源码圈博客 。 原文地址: 《老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用》 发布 …
Registrations and documents concerning grants
6 years
The administration of BUFETE FRAU CONSULTORÍA LEGAL S.L., rights and obligations concerning the payment of taxes.
Administration of payment of dividends and fiscal retention.
10 years
【安卓】免费梯子 - 资源小站:2021-6-15 · 如果破解VP都不能用了,并且想白嫖,可伡试试老王VPN。 (这个理论上不会失效,安卓软件,里面也有电脑免费教程,不过免费的慢的一匹,尽量还是去上面的网址购买比较好)
18 years
8 years for intergroup transactions for agreement of prices
Security and Health
Medical registration
5 years
Information chemical substance or essentially dangerous
Documents concerning environmental permissions whilst the activity is in force.
3 years after closure of the activity
10 years (expiry offence)
安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-12 · 所属分类:手机软件 应用平台:安卓 资源版本:V4.8.5 最后更新:2021年6月12日 21:51 安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 软件截图:
3 years
Grants for operations of cleaning should keep the documents of rights and obligations, receipts and payments.
4 years
老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用:2021-6-13 · 标签:VPN 手机软件 老王 老王VPN 未经允许不得转载: 作者: 源码圈 , 转载或复制请伡 超链接形式 并注明出处 源码圈博客 。 原文地址: 《老王VPN最新版2.2.16无需注册安装即用》 发布 …
5 years
Insurance policies
6 years (general rule)
2 years (damages)
5 years(personal)
10 years (life)
男子使用“翻墙”软件进行国际联网被查处,罚款500元 - 哔哩哔哩:男子使用“翻墙”软件非法进行国际联网被查处#给予行政警告并处500元罚款的处罚5月17日,分局情指中心在工作中发现,有人使用“翻墙”软件接入境外网络。情指中心立即会同城郊派出所展开调查,并迅速查明该“翻墙”软件使用人为杨某某,随即依法将杨某某传唤至公安机关接受询问。
5 years
老王VPN免费网络加速器更新v2.2.11【安卓】-筑爱网:2021-1-22 · 老王的灯笼网络加速器介绍 老王加速器是公认的免费加速器中的佼佼者,备受用户好评。今天,老王2.2.11版本更新,伢化了更多线路,连接更加稳定。老王的灯笼,一款名字个性、强大好用的vpn软件,该版本安装即可使用全部功能。文末分享下载地址!
Contracts and agreements.
Permissions, licenses, certificates
6 years from the date of expiry of the permission, license or certificate.
10 years (penal expiry)
Confidentiality agreements and those of non responsibility
Always the period of time of the obligation or the confidentiality
Personal data protection
安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-12 · 所属分类:手机软件 应用平台:安卓 资源版本:V4.8.5 最后更新:2021年6月12日 21:51 安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 软件截图:
3 years
Personal details of staff stored in the webs, computors and communication equipment used by same, control of Access and systems of internal management/administration
5 years
Academic history